Hacking Phone Using Mac Address

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Every day we see news about computers being hacked and how the cybercriminals make money off people clueless about the protection of their assets.

Jan 09, 2007  A hacker can easily find out the authorized MAC address, change their network card’s MAC address to the authorized ones and poison the ARP cache to prevent the owner’s machine from connecting to it. Here’s an example of Belkin Play Max F7D4401 v1 router.

  1. Dec 25, 2019  1. Hacking with MAC address: Here I’m gonna share with you hacking by using the MAC address. There are a few steps you need to follow for hacking someone else WhatsApp. First, you need to borrow your victim PHONE. You can ask him/her to give their phone for some time. Then you need to go to their settings.
  2. As for him being able to hack your network because he knows your mac address. Not possible. Well, as long as you are not being stupid and using MAC based security. Some routers allow you to have no password on your Wifi and 'secure' it by only allowing certain mac addresses. MAC addresses can easily be spoofed, so this is not secure.

For someone not very technical, it may sound as if hackers are so powerful, and the only way to hide is to shut down all devices and go off the grid completely.

However, the truth is that there are several simple things one can do to make sure that we are reasonably safe when browsing the internet without affecting our ability to access the information we need.

Whether or not someone can hack into the computer or phone through WiFi depends on a person’s proximity to the WiFi router. If a cybercriminal in the range of access to the WiFi router, they can connect to the local network and perform various attacks, such as Man In The Middle attack.

If the hacker is outside of the WiFi range, then the way they attack will be different.

Let’s consider various scenarios of how the computer can be hacked and ways to protect your devices.

Hacking Computer Through Local WiFi

As you probably guessed, it is much easier to hack the computer, which is in close proximity to the hacker’s device.

For instance, your neighbor can connect to your WiFi and use your internet for free. Or you may connect to the free WiFi in the cafe or hotel, but someone already hacked the network, and now everyone, including you, is a potential target.

Or maybe you are using the office WiFi, and it was also hacked.

And it doesn’t have to be a computer, such as a Mac or PC. Your smartphone, iPhone, or Android, which uses the WiFi can be hacked as well.

Let’s see what hackers can do if they are physically connected to the WiFi you are using.

Man in the middle attack

If you have the internet at home from a cable, DSL, or fiber-optic provider, you have a router. Your computer does not directly connect to the internet; it sends and receives data by directing it through the router.

In layman terms, the process is the following:

  1. Your computer or phone finds a WiFi router.
  2. After submitting the correct password, the router sends back its MAC address. MAC address is an identifier of computer components, and in theory, it should be unique across billions of devices on the planet. The network card on your computer also has a unique MAC address.
  3. After you get the MAC address of the router, all internet activity will be going through the router. In the pic below, there is a MAC address next to each device on the local network, and the router’s address is 11:22:33:44:55:66.

When a hacker connects to the local WiFi router, it also finds the MAC address of the router. The hacker changes his computer’s MAC address to be the same as routers one (11:22:33:44:55:66 in the pic below).

Now, all devices on the local network connect to the hacker’s machine, and then the data flows to and from the router. So the hacker becomes a man in the middle (MITM).

Once this happened, the hacker can read all outgoing requests and incoming data using various tools that collect such data.

This means every time you enter a username and password on some web site or enter your credit card number, and it gets saved on the hacker’s machine. Also, every URL you are visiting also gets saved.

There are some limitations, obviously. For instance, if the website uses the HTTPS protocol (S at the end stands for Secure), all traffic is encrypted between your computer and cybercriminals will not be able to crack it (in most cases).

However, if the web site uses HTTP, all data, including the password, is in cleartext.

So, if you want to avoid your data being stolen, always check that web site is using a secure protocol (HTTPS). In the browsers, the secure protocol is usually displayed with a padlock icon next to the URL.

Never enter passwords or financial information on web sites with HTTP!

How the router can be hacked

When it comes to your home WiFi, there are three ways for someone outside to connect to the router:

  1. The router is not password protected
  2. You tell the password. For instance, you told the guest the password, or she looked it up on the router (if you didn’t change the default one)
  3. If the router is using an old authentication protocol

I am going to skip the first two and instead of focus on the last one. The authentication protocol used in with WiFi router is very important.

If your router is old, it is possible that it’s still using WEP protocol, then you should know that anyone who knows a little bit about hacking can hack the router literally in less than a minute.

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So, if you have it enabled on your router, then go ahead and disable as I did.

What you should have is WPA2 with AES encryption. In the pic below, the authentication strength (protection from hacking) increases from top to bottom (WPA is less secure, and WPA2-PSK with AES is the most secure).

Some hackers employ a dictionary attack to crack WPA protocol, but it takes supercomputers to hack it. So as long as you are not a celebrity or a billionaire, nobody will spend so many resources to break into your network.

Usually, you can connect to the home router settings by going to the local IP address, such as

How to tell if someone hacked your router

One of the sure routers hacked signs is the existence of an unknown device connected to the local WiFi network.

As I explained above, in order to perform a man in the middle (MITM) attack, the hacker must connect to the WiFI network first. And if he’s connected, you can see him too.

One way to find out the connected devices is through the router settings. Some routers allow us to see all connected devices and kick them out if needed.

Another way is to use a network scanner app. For instance, I found a cool app called Fing. The app is available for almost all platforms: iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows.

It is free (with ads) and doesn’t even require creating an account in order to use it.

One cool feature they have is scanning for open ports.

For instance, when I scanned my MacBook Pro, I found that remote desktop and screen sharing features were enabled, and anyone could connect to my Mac remotely.

How to protect from a MITM attack

While it is possible to scan and find unknown devices on the home network, this approach will not work with public WiFi networks, such as the one in Starbucks or the hotel.

You would never know if the public network was compromised. In this case, the only way to protect your privacy is to use a VPN (a virtual private network).

When connected to VPN, your computer or phone creates a secure encrypted channel with the VPN server. After the connection is established, all requests go to the VPN server. The server makes all requests on your behalf and returns the results back to you.

From outside, it looks like the computer is sending some garbage to and back to the same computer. Even if the hacker collecting the information, he won’t be able to tell whether you’re connecting to Google.com or MacMyths.com.

When choosing a VPN software, follow these best practices:

  • Do not use a free VPN. They have significant limitations, and you know that good things are never free.
  • Test for speed. Some VPS are significantly faster than others.
  • Check the provider’s reputation. Since all requests now go through the VPN, technically, the VPN server becomes a man in the middle. So choose only reputable providers.

Personally, I am using NordVPN: it’s the fastest on the market and very inexpensive. It is available for multiple platforms: macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android.

Cell phone mac address

If you use my NordVPN affiliate link you get a pretty steep discount for three-year plan for up to 6 devices.

Hacking Computer Remotely

We discussed ways to hack the computers and phones through local WiFi, but I know the question that most people ask is whether hackers can connect to the home network when they are on the other end of the world (or more than a hundred yards or meters away).

Fortunately, the answer is no, someone cannot get into your home network, even if they know the password if they are outside of the range (more than 300 feet).

Also, in most cases, hackers cannot get into your computer is off (link).

However, there are other ways to get into your system remotely. Do you remember a story of Bezos’s personal data being leaked?

In his case, he received a message on WhatsApp with malware attachment. When the malware was installed on his phone, it started sending the personal data to the server abroad.

Similarly, we are all at the risk of having malware installed on our computers and smartphones. Some malware open access to the device, so the hackers can access it remotely.

Or, the malware could be a keylogger, and in this case, even having HTTPS or a VPN will not help. A keylogger will record the keys pressed on the keyboard, and if it happens to be a credit card number, then the hacker will have it.

So, how to protect the devices from malware? You need to install an antivirus program.

There is a common myth that Macs cannot have viruses, but this is not true. I was able to inject my Mac with more than 100 malware samples when testing various antimalware solution.

You can check the results of my test and recommended antiviruses in my post: Best Malware Detection App for Mac.

Every time my friends and family ask me for a recommended antivirus, I go with Norton 360. It comes with the biggest bang for the buck and provides antimalware and other security features on all platforms. And it also has its own VPN!


We reviewed multiple ways how someone can hack into your phone or computer through WiFi. I also listed ways to prevent this from happening, which I wanted to reiterate.

If you worry about online security, consider investing in the following tools:

  • VPN software
  • Antivirus program

Be very cautious when connecting to public WiFi. I’d say if you don’t have VPN installed on a laptop or smartphone don’t use public WiFi, or at least avoid making purchases with a credit card or entering passwords.

If you are interested in the topic of security, there is a great course available on Udemy about ethical hacking. The instructor teaches how to hack computers ethically and most importantly what can you do to prevent from being targeted:

Learn Network Hacking From Scratch (WiFi & Wired)

Also, check my other post:

Photo credit: ©canva.com/cyano66

Last Updated on

figure 1: for Macs



Ever since the iPhone was announced, people have been clamoring to write native applications for it. Sadly, Apple has not yet released the tools necessary to develop those apps. However, if you've been following the iPhone news you realize that the iPhone has been 'hacked.' What does this mean to you, the nonhacker? Well it means that thanks to the mighty efforts of many dedicated people, you can install applications directly onto your iPhone. The best part, it's easy. Read on for our full How To on how to hack your iPhone so you can install applications.

Step One: Update and Backup

First up: update iTunes. Just open your System Preferences and then Software Update to do it. As of this writing, you can use the simple hacking method described in this article with any recent version of iTunes. I write that because it's theoretically possible Apple will prevent it from working in the future. On the bright side, the fact that they haven't stopped it yet is a good sign. If this first step ever changes, we will update this article to let you know.

What you're about to embark on isn't supported by Apple, but nevertheless it's been proven safe and easy by thousands of users. Still, it's always a good idea to do a backup before you do anything major with any computing device, including your iPhone. Backing up your iPhone is simple - just sync it to iTunes. Done.

(If you want to be extra-careful, you can even back up your Address Book and iCal files, but that's a separate issue. In both of those applications, there are backup options under the 'File' menu.)

Step Two: Download AppTappInstaller

Head on over to http://iphone.nullriver.com/beta/, where you'll find the download for the AppTappInstaller. Click the download link in the big orange box (and feel free to ignore the copious amounts of technical jargon on that page). That will give you a file called AppTappInstaller.zip in your downloads folder. Open that up to get yourself the real file we're looking for here: AppTappInstaller.app:

.Believe it or not, you're halfway done!

Step Three: Hack Your iPhone!

Now open up AppTappInstaller.app - you can copy it to your /Applications directory if you like, but I just ran it directly from my Desktop. It almost makes more sense to do it that way, because:

  1. You probably won't have to go through this process again anytime soon
  2. If you do ever need to redo it, you'll want to download the latest version of the installer anyway.

So now we're greeted with the opening window, which has a warning in RED, so you should read it:

You already updated iTunes in step one, so the only thing you need to do here is quit iTunes. If you haven't done so already, place you iPhone in the dock, let it sync, and then quit iTunes. Next up is a screen asking you to pick your Firmware version:

You almost surely have the 1.0.2 (as of this writing) version of the firmware. But as the window says, you should double-check. On your iPhone, go to Settings -> General -> About -> Version. If you don't have version 1.0.2 installed, I'd actually recommend you install it. (To do so, go into iTunes, click your iPhone, click the 'Summary' tab, and then click the 'Check for Update' button.)

Double check that iTunes isn't open and then to select Firmware 1.0.2. Click Continue. What happens now is that AppTapp is going to grab the firmware, then it will 'hack it' behind the scenes, and finally install the 'hacked firmware' onto your iPhone. The whole process should take no more than 5 minutes.

During this process, do not disconnect your iPhone. Moreover, you'll see the yellow 'Please connect to iTunes' icon a couple of times - do not fret and do not open iTunes. Just let the installer do its thing.

When it's all said and done your iPhone will be identical to what it was before with one important difference, you now have an icon on your home screen called 'Installer.' Congratulations, you've hacked your iPhone!

In the unlikely event something went wrong, see the appendix below on resetting your iPhone.

Step Four: Getting started with Installer.app

We'll start with two points before we jump into Installer.app. The first point is that Installer.app is sweet. I've been using smartphones for many years now, and this application put together by Null River is the best experience I've ever had installing applications. The second point is that we will have a full run-down on Installer.app tomorrow, stay tuned.

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Until then, here's some information to tide you over.

Every time you open Installer.app it will want to get online to check to see if there have been any updates to your installed programs and to download the latest list of programs. So don't fret if it pauses for a moment. You will really want to be on WiFi when using this app, too, although it's not the end of the world using it on EDGE.

Your first step should be to tap on the 'Install' tab on the top and then install 'Community Sources.' This will make Installer.app check a few different places for applications, giving you a wider selection to choose from. Simply tap the 'Install' button in the upper-right.

Your second step: install some apps! I'd recommend starting with some games and perhaps ApolloIM for Instant Messaging.

Here's the thing, as soon as you install your 4th app, you'll find that they have scrolled off your main screen. Bummer. There are several applications that fix that issue, but my favorite by far is an application called 'SummerBoard' (Under System). Summerboard makes your home screen (aka your 'SpringBoard') scrollable like any other iPhone screen. Note that you'll have to reset your iPhone after you install this app. The best way to do that? That would be number 2 in the appendix below.

Welcome to the World of Native Applications!

Officially sanctioned by Apple or not, the native applications for the iPhone are really great and getting better every day. So far Apple has released several updates to both the iPhone and to iTunes without breaking any of the functionality of these native applications, so it's reasonable to expect that they'll continue to work for the foreseeable future.

Appendix: Resetting your iPhone

Like most smartphones, the iPhone has a few curious button combinations you will want to have in your bag of tricks in case anything ever goes wrong. Here they are in escalating order - which is to say you should try #1 before #2, #2 before #3, and so on.

  1. Force-quit an application. You know you can hit the home button to return to your home screen, but your home button has another function. Hold it down when you're in a frozen application to force-quit that application. This is especially useful in Safari and Mail (the buggiest of the iPhones apps in my experience). Just keep holding it until you're back at the home screen.
  2. Turn off your iPhone. This is the easiest way to reset the iPhone (and the safest). Just hold down the sleep/wake button until a red slider appears on your screen. Slide your finger across it and your iPhone will shut down. Hold the sleep/wake button down again to turn it back on.
  3. Reset your iPhone. If holding down the sleep/wake button doesn't work, you can also try to just force a reset of your iPhone. To do that, hold down both the sleep/wake button and the home button until the apple logo appears. That's your iPhone booting up.
  4. Reset your Settings. If your iPhone is still acting buggy, there's still one last step you can try before resorting to a full restore. Head on into your iPhone's Settings, choose General, then choose Reset. Inside you'll find a few reset options. Start with 'Reset All Settings,' which will do what it says but not actually delete anything. 'Reset All Content and Settings' will delete all of your data (but not the Installer.app!), so you'll have to resync it over if you use that option.
  5. Restore Mode. It's very rare, but sometimes you'll just need to start from scratch. Note that you're going to want to have your computer on hand when you do this option, as you will not only lose all of your data right away, but you will also be unable to use your iPhone at all until you've connected it to your computer. To do it, hold down both the sleep/wake button and the home button for a long time - around 30 seconds or so. Eventually a yellow triangle will pop up commanding you to connect the iPhone to iTunes. Do that and then you'll need to do a full restore. Note that this option absolutely wipes everything from your iPhone: contacts, data, and applications, and returns it to a 'factory state.'

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Find Device Using Mac Address

National COVID-19 server to use Apple and Google's API, hosted by Microsoft

Cell Phone Mac Address

The Association of Public Health Laboratories has announced it is working with Apple, Google, and Microsoft to launch a national server that will securely store COVID-19 exposure notification data.